[Lady Edana-Arianrhod Ros]: 433.Ocean's Peace

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2006-04-22 03:08:31
magic music bard singer
A world of magical music...
short story
Free for reading

Ocean’s Peace

By: [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Ros]

Music inspiration by [The New Kidd](on ElfTown): http://www.myspace.com/stephenpratt

The girl looked up as a soft breeze blew back her red hair. It looked as if she had flames of brilliant red dancing back from her face. A soft melody was playing on the wind, it sounded very familiar to her, called to her. She looked around but saw no one. She was alone in the tavern except for the maids, but they were all busy with trying to look busy, they didn’t seem to hear anything.

The musical rhythm caught hold of her soul and tuned itself to her. He emerald eye brightened, she knew the melody. It was her name song. It was the truest description of her anyone could ever compose. It was her.

She thought of all the people that might know her well enough to name her, a rhapsody of a person. There were very few, though she was bound to oaths of truth, she was still very reserved. She never lied about the deepest parts of her soul, but she avoided their topic as is bringing them to light would change them beyond recognition.

One of those people was dead, and even she hadn’t known some of the complexities in this melody. This was a lover’s call. Someone she longed to see was back. She allowed herself to smile as she pulled she hair back and gathered her belongings off the table into a messenger bag. She paid her tab and hurried out the door.

The street was bustling in this part of town, crowded so you couldn’t see someone you were looking for unless they were right in front of you. She closed her eyes and focused on the pull of the song. Soon even the salty, fishy sent of the nearby sea didn’t even touch her senses. The song called to her from the far eastern edge of the city. She opened her eyes and followed the vibration that was attuned to her soul, leading her straight to the man she loved.

She twisted her way through the crowded streets and back alleys, most people not even noticing her small frame except for a passing glance of red. Soon she came to a small rustic building near the outer wall of the city. The sign above the door said “Ocean’s Peace”. She had heard of this tavern, it was a place where sailors, or any traveler, could come and enjoy a little quiet without the noise of a normal city tavern. It was said that the innkeeper had a high price for breaking the peace in her sanctuary. Not surprisingly, no one had dared to test the theory. This was where the music originated.

As she stepping through the door the full affect of the music washed over her and she felt whole and loved. Here the music was vocal, she could hear it without using her mind’s ear. She looked around and saw the source of the music, if the far corner sat a piano, and behind the piano was the face she dearly loved, composing her soul with music light. He smiled as she approached the piano, his blue eyes looking like pools of water in the moon.

“I see you have gained the status of a Singer, my love.” She whispered softly in his ear.

“The studies were long and hard.” His smile faded and the music faltered with the memory of his training.

“I know. Maybe if you talk about it, it will help.” She smiled softly. “I know it helped with me, though it didn’t seem to prepare you for yours. Did you get a room here or shall we make the long walk back to my place tonight?” She ran her fingers through his hair and he stopped playing. She felt a loss at the end of the song, but there would be more later on.

“I have a room here, I’m too tired to make it back to your place tonight, though the sound of the water would be soothing.” He stood and placed his arm around her shoulders and guided her up the stairs.

He led her to a quiet room at the back of the building with a large bed and soft candles lighting the room. They sat down on the bed and he laid his head on her shoulder and sighed. She put comforting arms around him and leaning against the headboard urged him to lay against her. As he closed his eyes she began weaving a song of peace and let it slip all through the building, adding to the ease that was already present.

When his breathing began to ease she added to the melody a line of secrecy so they could talk without being disturbed, and a line of coaxing to help him ease the burden of his training.

2006-04-29 dmeredith: It took me a while to get to but I finally read it. It's short, but is engaging enough that I wouldn't mind reading more to find out what happens. There are alot of interesting elements here that could be developed more fully in a longer piece. I'd be interested to see where this is going.

2006-04-29 Lady Edana-Arianrhod Ros: Yeah... I have two pieces started that could be placed earlier. I just have to get them typed up...

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